Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shawshank Redemption

"They say it has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory." Shawshank redemption had a meaning, this meaning was a meaning of hope! Criminals went to shawshank, thinking where there life went wrong. Then they start to get hope, hope that they will soon one day be free and out of the prison walls. Andy and Red became the best of friends. Without eachother, neither of them would have been able to escape from Shawshank.

Andy Defresne is a man convicted of a crim he did not commit. What amazes me is he did not commit a crime and yet he is willing to not put up a fight and go to prison. Andy not once lost his cool. He was beaten, raped, and mentally harassed and he never once lost his cool. Andy was inspiration for every man in the prison. He gave them hope when he makes them feel like a free man in the prison.

Red is the "chief" of Shawshank. He is the man who can get whatever you need. I would love to find out how he has connection to people on the outside world. Red, even though he has been in the prison for a long time, managed to keep his cool the entire time. I think Andy gave Red hope and inspiration to stay alive and make it out of the prison. I feel Andy made Red realize that if he made it back into society he would be able to function in society.

Overall Rating: 8 out of 10

Shawshank is a movie I am willing to watch again. It was an enjoyable movie and in a way, gives you a sense of hope. Personally, I like movies with action and a little bit of romance. So, this movie wasn't in my category. For an independent film, this movie very wisely uses it rescources and made the best movie possible. Overall great film. You have to watch.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Simpson Movie

"Thhhhhe Siiimmppssoonnnsssss...... DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA!!!!!" The simpsons movie is a very funny movie. It incorprates idiotic stunts and phrases to make a comedy. The simpsons movie really went into christianity and almost mocked it. The movie was random sequences of clips that they seem to put together to make themselves a movie. The movie was great, the plot was interesting, and the ending was a typical simpsons film.

Homer is the father of the Simpsons family. But, is fatherly ways are about as bad as they can get. He dares his son to streak on a skateboard to the burger shack and back. But when he is caught, Homer does not take the blame and his son has to go to court for his immaturity. Also, Homer cares more for a pig then he does his family. Burt does not receive any love from Homer, but the pig gets all of Homer's love. He plays with him, feeds him, even cleans up his own droppings for him. Homer makes the whole movie very funny, but as a parent he is a zero.

Marge is the mother of the simpsons family. She is the brains of the family and will do whatever is right to fix the mistakes Homer causes. Marge supports her husband no matter what he does; even if it involves dooming everyone in Springfield. I give Marge big props for supporting her husband. The guy is an idiot and yet she still loves and supports him through his crazy ideas and stunts. Without Marge in the movie, Homer would have left Springfield to die.

Rating: 7 out of 10

The Simpsons movie at times were super funny and at others, very dull. It seems the makes of the movie concentrated all the funny parts into one or two sections and left every other sections of the movie to help the plot. The story line was pretty good. The only thing I did not like is the fact that a pigs manure contaminated a clean lake so bad that Springfield was held in quarantine. Also, I didn't appreciate how much they bashed christianity. I tried my best not to let it affect my rating, but it's a movie and they took a risk and christians will not appreciate it. Overall funny movie and I would watch it again.

Friday, May 13, 2011

V for Vendetta

"Remeber, rebember, the fifth of November." The fifth of November is a major key point in the movie, along with many other minor symbols that make the movie what it is. V for Vendetta is a crafty movie which incorporates many hidden symbols to create a "secretive" movie. The meaning of the movie is a big part of the movie, but the battle sequences really made the movie that much more amazing.

V is the "mystery"  man of the movie. V is the primary hope of the people, even though they don't know it. V stands for the rights of the people against parliament. V is a man, who was tortured in his early years by the facist government. In his eyes, he wants revenge on the government for what they did to him and others like him. He knows that the rights of the people should be more important then a dictators power. He believes the government should be afraid of the people, not the other way around. V not only opens up EV's eyes, but the eyes of the people.

EV is a girl, along with V, has tortured by the facist government at a young age. The government took her parents away when she was young, ever sense she has been afraid to step out and be "free." Then she meets V and everything turns around for her. She is able to accept that the government needs to be stopped. She also is able to become "free" and not be afraid of the government. EV, in my eyes, represents the people in their journey of becoming "free" and non-fearful of the government.

Rating: 7 out of 10

V for Vendetta was a great movie. It made you think about the movie and what it truly meant. The directors were creative by incorporating real life events within the story, which in turn made their message come out stronger. This movie's meaning and action scenes made this an all around great movie for someone who is interested in thinking and watching fights. For me, this is my kindive movie.  "I have not come for what you hoped to do. I've come for what you did."